Welcome to the Maine - Haiti Connection blog - to keep you up to date on our current activity.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A busy day!

As we began our day we were indeed saddened by the news from FEFC about Tara. As we share in the grief our church family must be experiencing, we knew we also needed to head out as God had planned us to do.

There were many blessings in store for us today as we divided and conquered! Enoch, Alain, David, Cory and myself headed out for the day. We started with a visit with Rose Guerlande, our little girl who has now undergone a few surgeries and anticipates more. She looks beautiful!! She was in the hospital undergoing tests with anticipation of her next surgery in another few weeks. It was a real treat to see her accept the doll from Emma, Mary Russell's granddaughter with such a beautiful smile! She is truly a little angel that God has placed His hand upon and allowed us to be a part of her physical healing! I can't wait to see her grow into a young lady with love for our Lord!

Then we were off to the Universite Chritienne du Nord D'Haiti and had a nice visit with Steve and Nancy James, the couple that I stayed with while in Haiti in December. Steve is a wonderful physician, having practiced medicine in Haiti for the past 25 years. He has been my mentor, teaching me how medicine is practiced in Haiti. Enoch then gave us a nice tour of the University grounds including the Botannical gardens that he himself had planted 10 years ago.

I will let Andy share his perspective on our visit to LaSoudre where Mary R.visited some of the elderly from the Feeding Program, Mary Veilleux colored and sang with the children and David and I held a blood pressure screening. Valerie is the fine young man who stood by my side as my assistant!

On our way home we stopped to visit with a wonderful family. Jean Claude and his wife Monica have taken in 10 orphan children. Monica has recently been in the US for initial evaluation and chemotherapy session for breast CA and has a bit of a journey ahead of her. Through our development of Maine Haiti Connection, we were able to reach out to this beautiful family while here and visit with these beautiful children and Jean Claude, pray with them, encourage them and take pictures that we will put together for Monica to have while she has her long weeks ahead in the U.S. away from these precious little ones. They have some young adult Mennonite helpers living with them at present and it was amazing to feel the love of the Lord in this home! If you would, please pray for this beautiful family!

After another wonderful meal from Claudette, we headed out to the Children's Home of Cap Haitien and shared CROCs with upwards of 75 kids and in so doing, added a splash of color to a quite gray background! This will be another mission field Mary and I decided, reaching out to Bob V. with love and encouragement as he shares his love with these children in heading up this home!

Tonight, we gather together for fellowship and devotions. Our perspectives on the day are shared. We kick back and relax and look forward to tomorrow and what God has in store for us! Please pray for God to use us where He needs to be. Pray that He will touch each heart of those on our team, our missionary family we are with and those we touch each day.

God is blessing us,

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear about your eventful day! Sounds like the Lord is using each and every one of you in a wonderful way.

    Be encouraged, be blessed, we love you all!
