Welcome to the Maine - Haiti Connection blog - to keep you up to date on our current activity.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hello from Cap Hatien

Hello everyone,

We are fairing well in Cap Haitien. Yesterday we spent the morning at an orphanage sharing CROCs, beany babies and water balloons with the children. Lots of smiles and hugs--much joy shared. Our group is wonderful and each of us are learning new things and rising to God's challenges in our thoughts, hearts, spirits daily. God is amazing!

To share one beautiful story, before we came to Haiti, Joe Corvino had had a couple of dreams, one repeatedly. This first vision of looking from a balcony over a body of water was confirmed to be the balcony of Pat's home overlooking the bay. As Joe shared, as he stepped onto the deck, it felt like he suddenly stopped like in an elevator as he glanced out and saw God's repeated vision from his dreams. The second dream he had was with a vision from a mountain, looking down over the ocean. Yesterday we traveled over the mountain to the beach and as we reached the crest of the mountain, there were a number of boulders that fell across the road that some men were working very hard to remove. We had to stop and wait to pass. Joe and Allan Stanford walked ahead and as Joe glanced out over the side of the mountain, he saw the second vision from his dream, overlooking the ocean. God drew him to Haiti and confirmed the call this year, despite individual fear of flying. Were these confirmations in advance, of God's call of Joe to Haiti?

Kim now has a hunch for what I have been talking about as my passion for Haiti and our Haitien brothers and sisters. She has caught the fire!! You should see her holding the baby yesterday at the orphanage. We will assure Jerry that she did leave the little girl there but takes home memories and photos of her time with this little child of God.

Joan has been a joy as part of our group here, as she shares little pieces of her life with us and has already lead one of our devotionals. If you don't know Joan Kelley she is our 17yo who has joined us. Awesome young lady!!

Allan continues to share his wisdom with the group and inspires us to think beyond ourselves. Mike Wilkins, friend of Allan, has shared his interesting perspectives and has certainly been an asset to our group in thought, labor and so much more.

Mike Boutin has been smiling so much more, has also softened his heart with those little ones yesterday at the orphanage....clung to one little girl for quite a time. He will share his testimony at our afternoon missionary church service today. What a blessing he is!

Me....I am continually astounded at how God takes our simple lives, broken as they might be, and molds us into vessels that He can then use so beautifully for His glory. As we take that one step forward, albeit perhaps risky, He leads on ahead of us and gives us more of our glory!

Amazing Grace!!! How sweet the sound and smell and song that He places on our hearts!

Blessings to our family and friends at home!



  1. It is so great to hear from you and learn all that you are doing. Did you manage to pass out some of the bunnies from the 5th graders at Winslow Elem.? The students will be happy to know. Praying for you all.
    In Christ,
    Linda Haag

  2. Awesome to hear that you're all doing well! Please let Joan know that she was missed and prayed for last night at youth group! Bring her back safely! :) - pastor matt

  3. It's so exciting hearing about how things are going there and each of your experiences. What a blessing! Praying for you all and the work that you are doing there.
